oxford personal trainer


Your core may be strong but is it stable? So many clients that come to me with inexplicable aches or pains, whether they are back pain, tension headaches or even plantar fasciitis, have one thing in common, an unstable core. Even those clients that regularly train and exercise, may have unstable cores, strong but unstable.  So what is the difference, why does it matter and how can it cause pain?  So firstly, the core is not just made up of…

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We are really excited to announce our NEW ONLINE core and mobility classes that will be running from January.  These classes will be focused on improving core stability and strength as well as mobility, flexibility and functional movement so will be ideal for those suffering with muscular aches and pains from back pain to tension headaches and even those with lower limb issues like knee pain or sciatica will benefit from these classes.   The simplicity of the movements mean…

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Sciatica can, in many cases, be relieved or indeed removed by physical therapy. It does not have to be a long term condition  Have you ever been diagnosed with sciatica and are you still struggling with it? Maybe you always have pain in one buttock or leg and have just gotten used to it? If I had a pound for every single new client that lists sciatica as one of the conditions that they suffer with, I would be rich.…

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Knee Pain

If you have every suffered with knee pain the check this out Do you ever have pain at the front of your knee? Maybe you get pain knee pain when you run? Maybe you don’t run but you experience pain when you are going up and down the stairs, especially on the way down?  If you can relate to any of the above then you may be suffering with either one of the two most common knee conditions , Runners…

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How To Live Longer & Stronger

Life expectancy is at its all-time high! The fact that so many people are living longer, well into their 80s and 90s is a wonderful idea, however, the sad reality is that living longer doesn’t always include a good quality of life. It’s not a done deal. Swallowing handfuls of pills every day, losing independence and requiring nursing care is not the way most people would choose to spend their last years. The good news is that there are steps…

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